Dementia Care at Home: 5 Essential Tips for Family Caregivers

dementia care

Dementia is a condition affecting over 55 million people worldwide, with 10 million new cases every year. Families dealing with loved ones with dementia may prefer to care for them at home as it reduces confusion and agitation. However, considering the needs of many dementia patients, families may not be prepared to provide adequate care.

These tips will set you in the right direction, ensuring favorable outcomes for dementia patients and their families.

1.  Set a Routine

People with dementia will respond well to a routine. A routine reduces anxiety and improves memory and independence. It ensures people engage in activities they enjoy.

Here are some tips that will help you create a routine:

  • Perform necessary tasks, such as bathing, dressing, and eating, at the same time each day.
  • Make time for hobbies and enjoyable activities and fit them into your schedule.
  • Serve meals in a familiar place and give them enough time to eat.
  • Include medication administration and other treatments in your daily routine.

2.  Communicating with Someone with Dementia

Communicating with someone with dementia may be frustrating because they may forget things they were told, sometimes within seconds. They may also become anxious and agitated if they feel confused. You can implement successful communication by:

  • Speaking calmly.
  • Listening to your loved one and considering their frustrations.
  • Reminding the person about necessary information without saying, “Don’t you remember?”
  • Not overwhelming them with too much information.
  • Building quiet time into the day.
  • Encouraging two-way conversations.

3.  Maintaining an Active Lifestyle

An active lifestyle benefits people with dementia by stimulating them physically and mentally. Here are some ways you can keep your loved one active.

  • Consider which activities your loved one will enjoy, such as cooking, gardening, or dancing.
  • Join in the exercise to make it more fun and engaging.
  • Add music to motivate your loved one.
  • Keep activities short and straightforward- walking is ideal.

dementia care

4.  Keeping Your Loved One Safe

A lack of cognitive ability can lead to poor judgment that can endanger your loved one. You can keep them safe by:

  • Putting markers on stairs.
  • Placing safety grips in slippery areas.
  • Removing tripping hazards.
  • Ensuring rooms are adequately lit.
  • Putting safety latches on cabinets.
  • Practicing wandering prevention.

 5.  Stay Healthy

Family caregivers often find themselves stressed out. Many neglect to care for themselves, so they cannot care for their loved ones. Caregivers can stay healthy by:

  • Following a healthy diet and exercise routine.
  • Asking for help when you need it.
  • Joining a caregiver’s support group.
  • Taking breaks when you need them.
  • Engaging in stress-relieving exercises like meditation and yoga.

Prestige Can Help You Care for Loved One’s with Dementia

Caring for someone with dementia isn’t easy. If you are overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to contact Prestige Home Care Agency. We can provide full-time, part-time, or respite services.

Our skilled caregivers are well-versed in all areas of dementia care. We will ensure your loved one enjoys a high quality of life. Contact us for the help you need to improve your family’s well-being.